Portrait of India
India's Liberalization - A Boon or Curse
EIC & MNC In Action
In this section we draw first parallels between what EIC did in India when they entered, destruction of textile industry by first destroying cotton farming, then employment of child labor, and then forcing the remaining cotton farmers to sell their produce only to EIC at the price of their choice. The result was famine, starvations and death. Then the blame was thrown on local zamindars all the way hiding the real perpetrators of crime, the EICs. This hatred over EIC shifted to zamindari system that resulted in the Naxalite-Communist movement-in Bengal
We show the parallels between what MNC now doing in India upon their entry. They want farmers to grow Bt (Bacillus Thuringiensis-bacteria injected) cotton-genetically modified cotton in the name of making huge profits, buy the entire produce at the prices set by MNC, hike the prices of seeds and chemical fertilizer reducing the income from farming to zero thus force the farmers to use child labor as cost cutting measure, force adult labor to search alternate employment in other fields economy. The displaced labor are fertile grounds for the breeding of Maoists, communists and Leninists movements in India, which are again funded by the same EICs turned MNCs.
Cotton Production under EIC (1800-1825)
Noted American historian Henry Carey demonstrated, in graphic detail, how the EIC and British concept of "globalization" and “free trade” had devastating effects on India. Prior to the takeover of India by the East India Company, the Indian economy was characterized by the existence of native manufacture of cloth and other goods, which made possible a division of labor, and a higher level of productivity for the economy as a whole. The British demanded one-half of the gross products of the land, as tribute from the areas that they controlled, and imposed a tax collection system which severely disrupted the economy. Even worse, the British imposed a policy of technological apartheid, banning the export of machinery from England to India, and refusing to develop India's rich iron and coal deposits. Taxes were imposed to deliberately suppress native manufacturing. Carey states: "The Hindoo, like the negro, is shut out from the workshop. If he attempts to convert his cotton into yarn, his spindle is taxed in nearly all of the profit it can yield him. If he attempts to make cloth, his loom is subjected to a heavy tax, from which that of his wealthy English competitor is exempt. His iron ore and his coal must remain in the ground, and if he dares to apply his labor even to the collection of the salt which crystallizes before his door, he is punished by fine and imprisonment". The introduction of steam driven machinery, was used by the British to devastate India's native cloth manufacturers, rather than to revolutionize Indian production. Although the steam engine had been developed by Benjamin Franklin's collaborators, who intended that it be used to improve the productivity of labor, the British applied it to their slave labor system, filling the factories with workers, including children, who worked 15 to 17 hours a day.
Henry Carey describes how in 1813, British "free trade" removed tariffs on cloth imported into India, "but with the restriction on the export of machinery and artisans maintained in full force". Within twenty years, Indian cloth manufacturing was completely wiped out. The result was not merely mass unemployment and starvation of cloth manufacturers, but the impoverishment of cotton cultivators, since cotton now was bought only by EIC and had to be shipped all the way to England, and the British now had a monopoly control of cotton consumption thus setting the purchase price best suited for the advantage of EICHybrid Cotton-genetically modified-Production under MNC (2000-Current)
A recent study by the Global Research Consultancy Services (an NGO) Hyderabad made an attempt to examine the link between multinational seed companies and local seed producers and the role of MNCs in perpetuating child labor in hybrid cottonseed farms in AP. The study was commissioned by the India Committee of Netherlands. Currently, there are about 200 seed companies involved in the production and marketing of hybrid cottonseed in India and the MNCs operate their seed business activities through their own subsidiary companies in India or through joint ventures and collaborations with local Indian companies.
However, the MNCs do not own responsibility for employment of female child labor. One MNC said it did not employ child labor directly and this practice was being perpetuated by local farmers. But the price progressively increasing price set up of genetically modified seeds, the resulting soil erosion leading to ten times more pesticide increase and cost associated with it, along with the poor economic policies of governments resulting in inflation and thus completely eroding the little gains farmers are making, (like EIC tax structure) is the culprit that was never mentioned by these EICs turned MNCs.
“In the early 1990s when we paid Rs 8 per day to each laborer the procurement price was Rs 150 per packet (NHH 44 hybrid). Now we are paying about Rs 20 for labor but the procurement price is only Rs 180 per packet,” a farmer said.
With the current procurement prices, seed farmers cannot afford to pay better wages to the laborers and still earn a reasonable profit. Unless better wages are paid, it is difficult for the farmers to attract adult labor to work in their fields, the study points out. Seed farmers have stated two main reasons for their preference for child labor: children’s wages are much lower than adult wages and they are generally easier to control.An important feature of hybrid cottonseed production is that it is highly labor intensive and, in south India and especially Andhra Pradesh.
A new trend of employing young girls as “bonded laborers” has come into practice on hybrid cottonseed farms in south India in recent years, a recent survey reveals. Female child labor constitutes a majority of the total labor force. It is estimated that nearly 450,000 children in the age group of 6 to 14 years are employed in cottonseed fields in India. Andhra Pradesh alone accounts for about 247,800. Local seed farmers, who cultivate hybrid cottonseed for national and multinational seed companies, secure the labor of young girls by offering loans to their parents in advance of cultivation, compelling the girls to work at terms set by the employer for the entire season, and, in practice, for several years. These girls work long hours, are paid very little, deprived of education and exposed for long periods to dangerous agricultural chemicals. Exposing to these chemicals will destroy their health. Also young girls working in these conditions also are prone to abuse-physical and sexual.
This figure of child labor surpasses the total number of children in India employed in industries such as carpet weaving, glass bangle manufacture, diamond and gem polishing and limestone put together. Moreover, child labor in these industries does not exceed 25 per cent, with a majority of them beings boys. Though hybrids are used in cotton cultivation all over the country, hybrid seed production is concentrated in south India, particularly in the Telangana and Rayalaseema regions of Andhra Pradesh, which account for about 65 per cent of the seed production in India.
But the figures here indicate another trend. If most of the labor involved in cottonseed farming are female children then what is happening to the adult labor population who are displaced. Men might have migrated to cities for employment. What about the poverty stricken women who lost their jobs to young female child labor?
This is a news item in Deccan Herald
The proposal of the Andhra Pradesh government to permit the opening of discos ostensibly to promote tourism has run into a wall of opposition from women groups and almost all the Opposition parties have come out in their support. A recent meeting of the state tourism promotion board including the principal secretary and chairman of the AP Tourism Development Corporation had suggested to the government that permission be granted for a discotheque at Shameerpet to promote tourism. The officials said the discotheques would increase the flow of tourists into the city which argument found favour with higher ups in administration.
Women groups say that the government, which was apparently inspired by the booming sex tourism of some South East Asian countries, should also look at the social and human costs those societies are paying to fill government coffers. They suggest that instead of promoting sex tourism, the government should promote the rich cultural and historical heritage of the state.
The discos will promote sex tourism rather than tourism and will push poverty stricken women into flesh trade, they insist. However, the decision opened the floodgates of opposition from women’s groups who maintain that the decision was both anti-women and undemocratic.
They have threatened to launch an agitation if the government goes ahead with its plans. Interestingly enough, the police too have opposed the plan but for different reasons. Their argument is that the dozen or so resorts that dot the city outskirts 20-30 kms away will be difficult to monitor for the police.
The women activists also point out that the decision was taken without any debate and an issue that concerned the dignity of women should be treated with more seriousness. As part of the campaign against discos, the 15 women groups that have come together on this issue have decided to collect one lakh signatures and present them to the Governor and if he failed to convince the government, they would resort to an agitation.
The discos are opened in the Shameerpet and other (Telangana) regions where many poverty struck women exist who eventually be pushed in to these immoral and unethical activities. These many women exist because they are made unemployed by local farmers because they cannot afford the wages and thus employing female child labor in their farms to the tune of 247,800.
AP is one among many states in India where the administration must have been genuinely trying to do some good for the people. But as the above example show it very difficult to see for any one the end result temporary measures of prosperity which clearly always benefits the EIC turned MNC in subjugating India. Probably AP is the first experimental ground for MNCs in the process of learning how to subjugate other states and even union of India. After learning lessons in the next 15 years probably the same techniques will be applied to destroy the whole country. In this sense what we quoted above is the tip of the ice berg surfacing up which clearly shows that the EIC turned MNC really are following the age old tradition of EIC in subjugating India, start with control of cotton.
Genetically modified foods in India
GMO (genetically modified organisms) GE (genetically engineered foods) (trans genic crops) like the cotton seeds that we are using to cultivate in Andhra Pradesh is a new phenomenon followed by huge Agri Business MNCs which are subsidiaries of huge Pesticide and herbicide MNCs. As we have seen with the economic liberalization and privatization the concept of GMO or GE of are the catch words of a yet unknown but potentially devastating developing science that can one day wipe out the mankind from the face of the earth under the guise of Agricultural Privatization and Liberalization.
What is bio technology and genetic engineering? And why we need it?
Most agricultural practices all across the world till the advent of 20th century heavily depended on Organic Farming – an English name for Indian Agricultural Practices. This we define as swadeshi Agriculture Practices evolved with the nature adapting its wisdom for the benefit of development of mankind. These practices include farming along with seasons, using moon and sun cycles for cultivation and alternating crops according to tradition wisdom and using naturally acquired manure from animals (cows, goats, chicken etc) to nourish the land, using naturally obtained pesticides insecticides and bacteria repellants (turmeric powder, neem powder and the ashes created in performing yagnas) energize the plants or singing in fields and celebrating festivals with color in fields. Since the finish of World War – 2 all these are termed and discarded as ‘undemocratic, retrograde, stupid, and good old practices stemming from ignorance’ worth discarding, but poor ‘uneducated uncultured farmers’ clung to them even today in many parts of India and to many parts of the world.
Billions of dollars of money was spent in chemical and biological weapons programs (finding deadly chemicals to kill enemy soldiers) that were created as part of the World War – 2 by Britain Canada United states of America along with Germany. Interestingly the British biological and chemical war fare division was headed by none other than Mr. Mountbatten who ordered field tests of these deadly chemicals on innocent Indian soldiers to gain insight and collect data in to the functioning of these deadly chemicals in an area called Mourya Pura, in the then western India. Unfortunately after the war the huge investments that were made and the harmful chemicals created have to be put to use along with the deadly by products. In USA Canada and England besides the government two huge private EICs turned MNCs were also involved in Chemical and Biological warfare, namely Dow Chemicals, Du pont. All tooth paste companies (Colgate Palmolive etc) are subsidiaries of on or both of these two corporations which inurn are owned by David Rockefeller Empire of industries (see Part-2). Even the prestigious Union Carbide (its parent Uni Lever and it’s another subsidiary Hindustan Lever) which was responsible for the Bhopal gas tragedy was a subsidiary of one of these two giants above. One such noble product thus developed with the chemical wastes was the fluorine and derivatives in tooth paste, marketed by Colgate-Palmolive division of Dupont (for further details see the well researched and documented work Dupont-the Nylon Empire). The other such product was nafta which MNCs figured out with its derivatives or certain modifications can be used as agriculture fertilizer to enhance the fertility of the soil (1945-1960).
But this fertilizer though enhanced the fertility (as nitrogen is injected in to the soil) temporarily in 15 years to get the same yield poor farmers were forced to use more and more fertilizer to a point where the cost of fertilizer is more than the yield of the crop. But this indiscriminate usage destroyed the soil fertility which resulted in the decline of agriculture production. Nature that learns it self slowly but steadily created a set of weeds that are more stronger and can grow more rapidly in the agricultural fields forcing the above two companies to spend more investment on research to invent more deadly chemicals and named them herbicides to tackle the problem of weeds (1960-1975).
So new round of more powerful chemicals were invented called herbicides which has to be used along with fertilizers. But some how this combination of herbicides and fertilizers (again nature is supreme) altered genetic mutations of insects and pests and they started ravaging the crops. Thus the above two companies and a host of their subsidiaries spend some more money and invented pesticides and insecticides another round of more deadly chemicals that can harm human beings and recommended them to use along with the fertilizers, herbicides (1975-1995).
Meaning the cost of getting the same yield is now three times or the farmer lost three hundred percent of his income to MNC fertilizer companies all in the name of development and civilizing stupid farmers of third world.
When all the three above sets of chemicals could not produce the same yield of crop as farmers used to get when they are using traditional (swadeshi) agricultural practices (as the stupid nature- prakriti-quickly learns and catches up with the most intelligent noble prize winning human scientists) then came another noble idea after spending additional billions of dollars on research. Why not we insert the insect or pest repellant gene in to the plant gene so that plant naturally repels the insect or pest. Also why not we insert the fertilizer and herbicide gene so that we do not need fertilizer of herbicide at all. This inserting process is called ‘bio-technology’ and the products thus produced are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs) genetically engineered foods (GEs) or transgenic foods (TF) (1995-Current).
As with the case of all the above stages of chemical use initially the GMOs gave some results which were claimed by the above two companies and subsidiaries as ‘superb, best and panacea to mankind’. In 6 years other scientists found the following as a result of indiscriminate or discriminate usage of GMOs or GEs or TFs.
a. GE GMO and TF in agriculture
1. Anti biotic Resistance - Many scientists now believe that the antibiotic marker genes present in plant are greatest public health threat as they once consumed will mutate and create anti biotic resistance bacteria forcing public to spend (like farmers spend three times fertilizers) hundreds of times of money to cure simple diseases which they were curing by just one tablet. But these medicines are made by the same MNCs which make them rich at the expense of general public health. Number of European countries banned the growing of Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) corn potatoes and cotton obtained from Novartis a Swedish agri giant consortium whose owner ship no one knows but is suspected to be of the above two US MNCs (Dupont, Dow Chemicals and hundreds of their subsidiaries). These two crops include a gene conferring resistance to generic penicillin drug ‘Ampicillin” which makes the drug less effective against general public in fighting regular fever thus forces them to use more of the same drug or more powerful version of the drug. (Dr Courvalin of Pasteur Institute). The British Medical Association has called a total ban on the anti biotic resistant marker genes in all GE food products. “While the risk is small, the consequences of untreatable life threatening infection spreading within the general population are erroneous”-Dr. John Heritage, Leeds University, member of the UK advisory committee on novel foods in the year 1999. In the current year we are slammed with SARS.
2. Release of Toxins
A genetically altered compound will be same as the original natural one but except for a deadly chemical life threatening gene included within it. Exhaustively studying the lab animals with the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Dr. Arpad Pusztai announced in the year 1999 that genetically modified potatoes damaged the immune system and internal organs of the lab animals. Once immune system is damaged then the Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS) will set in, making billions of dollars spent by consumers on AIDS drugs manufactured by the same MNCs belonging to the companies mentioned above. Two days after research Dr. Arpad Pusztai was suspended and gagged and his scientific methods were severely attacked by the ‘owners of research institutes’. He was later re instituted with the help of 22 international scientists who testified and verified his methodologies as true. British leading medical journal ‘the Lancet’ published his findings on 16 October 1999.
Second such incident occurred when a Japanese company marketed a sleep aid drug called L-tryptophan which was made with genetically altered bacteria. Within months thousands of people who took the drug started suffering from a new form of disease called Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). 37 died and 1500 permanently disabled before even health officials were able to understand the cause of the disease. The company which is a subsidiary of the above MNCs turned EICs that produced the drug ‘destroyed the evidence and refused to cooperate’ with the Japanese investigators. Finally it was concluded the altered gene in bacteria created ‘trace contaminants of indeterminate nature’ which proved fatal.
3. Destroys natural bacteria
Genetically modified foods or plants destroy the natural bacteria that act as pesticide that occurs due to decomposition of manure by microbe organisms in soil. For example the Bt or bacillus Thuringiensis naturally occurs in the soil by decomposition of manure and is used by organic farmers for decades in required quantities to increase the soil fertility. But indiscriminately inserting the Bt in to corn, potatoes and cotton will increase the resistance to bacteria and this prompts usage of more and more pesticides and herbicides. More importantly this will destroy ‘natural organic’ agriculture that does not use artificially synthesized chemical based herbicide, pesticide or fertilizer.
4. Produces totally different results in lab animals versus humans
Research showed that an allergen from Brazil nuts when transferred in to soybean, the allergen was not transferred to the lab animals. But when the clinical trials were made on humans they were shocked that the allergen entered human genetic code with fatal results. This transfer project was abandoned. But the problem here is in most cases human trials are not conducted and with out human trials also, as the allergen was not harm full in lab animals the genetically modified soybean, the allergen would have got regulatory approval from at least dozen European countries and USA.
Another trend which is recently developing is using Indians in human trials document the effects. If positive then show them as success. If negative classify them under private research. Using Indians as human subjects is continuing since 1934 when first Mr. Mountbatten used innocent Indian soldiers stationed in Mourya Pura area-the then western India near Rawalpindi-of the then British Indian Army to test the effects of chemical and biological warfare agents. These agents were developed by joint research teams of British, Canadian and American scientists to test their effectiveness against enemy soldiers and then use the date to develop antibodies for chemical and biological warfare agents.
5. Genetically modified plants react and alter genetic structure of other species which are contacted by them
Cornell University study found that the pollen coming form GE Bt corn or potato or cotton causes mortality and impaired growth in monarch butterfly populations. Similar studies showed that lacewings that ate the aphids fed with GE corn have the same effects. When affected butterflies or other insects carry pollen to other species of plants or if such pollen shifts to other farms (organic) by wind they alter the other genetic structures with devastating effects. No studies were ever done on the environmental impact of cross species contamination by these GE products.
6. Increased herbicide use
A recent study conducted by University of Wisconsin and reviewed by Dr. Charles Benbrook a former scientist with the Department of Agriculture of United States Government, over 8000 GE soybean (or cotton or potatoes) field trials showed 200% to 1000% increased herbicide usage, with mean being 500% increase of herbicides. That means 500% increase of the cost of herbicide. The farmers unable to cope with are hiring young boys or girls as temporary solution but in coastal districts of AP many cotton farmers killed themselves unable to cope with the loss of revenue, and pay off debts contacted for purchase of high price herbicides. The data showed that when compared with the natural Organic farming and integrated weed management techniques (IWM) the herbicide use is in fact more than 1000%.
7. Super weeds
Herbicide resistant GE seeds (cotton or soybean or potato) can transfer the genes to weeds thus creating super weeds. These super weeds will destroy all eco systems and to tackle the problem of super weeds ever increasing herbicide usage or more powerful herbicide usage has to be resorted.
8. Most of the Bio Tech Companies increase Herbicide and Pesticide sales
Most of the bio-tech companies try to convince all the people and governments that GE, GMO or TGF are good. They come as start up companies, research oriented companies and convince local governments they are doing foreign exchange business. But in reality these companies are either funded or owned subsidiaries or the same Huge Agri MNCs. Also these bio-tech companies are seeking from third world governments for higher residues of many chemicals in the plants of GE GMO or TG foods. The more these products are used in third world like India, the British Agrochemical Association predicts that the US based pesticide and herbicide MNCs and their third world subsidiaries would make lot of business and huge profits.
9. Genetically modified corn syrup in colas liked to brittleness in the bones
Grace Wyshack and associated professor at Harvard School of Public health and Harvard medical school, found that girls drinking pop (soft drinks, like coke, Pepsi etc are not getting enough milk that contains calcium that builds bones. She also suggested that the phosphoric acid in chemical colas is the one that weakens the bones. Also the genetically altered corn syrup in the colas also aims at weakening the immune system thus aiding the associated risks with the chemical colas.
British Medical Association recently called for as early as in 2000 a moratorium on the commercial planting of all GE GMO or TG until there is a scientific consensus on their long term effects. But with out cotton the mighty textile industry is going to suffer. So MNCs turned EICs stopped planting all these in Britain USA. But now coming to India (from 2000 under liberalization and privatization) and forcing local farmers in the delusory illusion of prosperity to use all GMOs TGFs and GEs. Most pollution decays with time. But the genetic pollution will increase and multiplies with the time. This threatens bio-diversity, our agriculture, environment, human health and the evolution of human beings.
b. GE AMO and TGF as animal feed
Free contaminated chicken imports in to India and healthy cow meat exports out of India.
A novel trend is taking in India to encourage cow slaughter and beef exports to earn ‘foreign exchange.’ This trend is coincided with the destroying the Indian native poultry industry importing salmonella infected chicken legs ass a free gift from US based MNCs. Most of the animal feed in the western countries where the above MNCs operate is made in their subsidiaries with GE GMO or TGF modified soy or corn or potatoes. Along with the animals were given tremendous amounts of antibiotics so that they remain healthy paving the way for the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the animals which enters human bodies when such meat is consumed. Along with that the animals were injected with estrogen a feminine growth hormone (known as bovine growth hormones) which if used in excess will create a medical condition of estrogen dominance-turn man in to a woman, and creates obesity problems in women. All symptoms of women will appear in men which finally result in impotence.
Feeding Cow meat to Cows-Transforming Herbivorous in to Carnivorous-turning milk into poison
This feminine growth hormone quantities double in the farm animals when the cows are fed with the dead cow meat, thus transferring estrogen affected meat in to cow feed. Here an herbivorous animal that was naturally born to eat grass and convert that in to medicinal milk was forced to become carnivorous thus transferring its milk and associated products as harmful poison for human consumption. Dozens of diseases are reported in USA after few years of drinking this kind of contaminated milk. Doctors advise in US not to drink milk as it is now turning in to poison. Our west imitating some Indian doctors also recommend the same no milk diet to the Indians also where cows still are healthy and produce milk as they are doing for thousands of years, eat grass and convert it in to medicinal and life saving milk. By depriving Indians the single life savor nourishment doctors both western and Indian are destroying innocent people’s immune systems thus creating the opportunity for MNC controlled medical companies to sell vitamin and other health supplements to profit. In the west Thousands of persons upon hearing the information that cows are fed with dead cows along with regular genetically altered corn and others are switching to vegetarian diets. As a rule North American and British cow meat (beef) is banned from Europe as they are heavily contaminated.
Free Speech under MNC Rule in USA-Veggie Libel law
But the all powerful MNC beef and meat lobbies have pressured the US government and passed the Veggie Libel Law. Under this Veggie Libel law any group or researcher or scientist who even report the News about ‘mad cow disease, E. Coli contaminated deaths in Chicken farms, salmonella poisoning in chicken meat, genetically engineered crops and or animals, growth hormones, factory farming pesticides and many other agricultural practices like cows fed with dead cows’ are subjected to be sued under this law. Under normal libel laws, the plaintiff has to prove some one has deliberately and knowingly spread false information. But Veggie libel law shifts the burden of proof to defendants. “False information” is defined as deviation from the accepted scientific facts and enquiry, interpreted by beef lobbies and American courts to suppress even simple opinions of common men. For example even if one exclaims in USA say for example “as dead cows are fed to other cows as feed and I do not want to eat beef” then one can be sued for this statement as he is deviating against established social fact that beef eating is good for the health and most of the Americans eat beef. Even celebrities like Winfrey were sued as recent as 1997-98 for statements like she does not want to eat beef.
‘Corporate science’ research funded in multi billion dollars by MNCs that have stake in the outcome of the research is the main obstacle for the finding the truth in the modern era. All bio-tech industry research in India is paid by huge Agri MNCs and have stake in the outcome of the results who want to patent from turmeric to tamarind, rice to salt.
A study showed that by the year 2010, 8 our of 10 males in USA will be ‘functionally impotent’. A news paper in India reported that a European woman was caught taking healthy semen from Rejasthani farmers paying Rs. 1000 per dose to store and to use it to impregnate in white women who are longing for mother hood in Europe. When she was caught she had at least 10 different specimens. How many trips she made no one really knew?
2. Exposing TGF GE GMO fed dead meat to radiation as a technique of preservation
Even after using so many deadly chemicals, genetic modification of species the excess production of meat in huge industrial plants cannot be consumed over night. In India if one wants to eat meat they go pick up the animal and it will be cut before their eyes and they consume it within 12 hours after cooking it with turmeric, mustard, salt and other spices (see below). But multimillion dollar slaughter houses that are designed to cut hundreds of animals in an hour in order to achieve economies of scale sustain and make profit have to do production runs of 8 hour shifts per day. So excess of meat is produced which has to be stored. Excess of meat has to be sold and consumed. Meat lobbies need continuous meat eaters. A series if campaigns are launched every where to replace every body’s diet with meat only (this meat eating as part of diet is a separate issue which we discuss in the next section). As meat is organic matter it decomposes fast. So to preserve it for at least one year before it can be consumed the dead and cut meat is exposed to dangerous doses of ‘atomic radiation’ which meat lobby scientists call as ‘irradiation’. Dead carcasses are exposed to dangerous doses of host of X-rays and other radiation techniques to preserve them. These X-rays that can kill fetus, that can render a man or women infertile, that can dry mothers milk in three days if exposed are reacting with the dead meat and hormones and the antibiotic bacteria to create some thing new which no one bothered to investigate. The worst thing is even a sick and unhealthy animal is also cut and irradiated as to discard an unhealthy animal is a huge loss from the perspective of meat lobbies that invested millions in to the business. After irradiated these meats are deep frozen to -18 degrees temperature so that they will not spoil. In that condition they will be shipped over high seas to consumers. Once irradiated there is no way to tell whether an animal is sick or healthy as both tastes same-tasteless carbohydrates. So a frozen meat package that we see in supermarkets under frozen section would have been slaughtered anywhere between and year to six months.
How irradiation affects the regular dead meat no one knows. How it affects GE GMO TGF fed dead meat god only knows. Such investigation will push all meat eaters every where towards the traditional Indian meat eating practices-eat fresh cut meat, marinate them with spices, and thoroughly cook them-by having a free choice of selecting a healthy animal before it is even cut. Such reversal will create ‘huge losses’ for the multibillion dollar MNC controlled meat industry.
The same technique is used to preserve vegetables and fruits so that the genetically engineered perishable produce is preserved over long time. Fruits and vegetables have to be consumed fresh-as soon as they are cut from the trees. Their nutritional value will decrease with the time. By irradiating we can preserve the fresh look on the super market stand. A fat potato or tomato or any fruit for that matter will be close to 5 to six months old with out any nutritional value and tastes like irradiated meat-tasteless carbohydrates. There is no way to judge the nutritional content of the foods we are eating.
3. Foreign Exchange and Cow slaughter
As the dangers with the irradiated meat are tremendous and westerners realized that their meat or beef is nothing but poison. Many studies tentatively proved that red meat is carcinogenic-causes prostate intestinal cancer in humans. So many European and western countries are encouraging Indians to slaughter cows and to export the same to Europe and USA. Indian cows are disease free, eat grass, do not eat dead cows as part of their diet, and are not fed growth hormones that create estrogen imbalance. This pious and delicious meat they need. MNCs encourage this trend by telling that India will earn valuable foreign exchange. Let us study how much foreign exchange we earned
During 1999 in from Andhra Pradesh, India, alone 184,200 cows were slaughtered for meat purposes. This cow meat thus exported produced Rs. 200 millions worth in foreign exchange (US $ 4 millions).
The cows if not slaughtered but kept alive (even though no milk is produced) would have produced on annual basis organic manure needed for 384 Hectares producing 530,000 tons of grain. In the absence of the naturally available nitrogen phosphorous rich organic manure governments spend Rs 910 million rupees to import Nitrogen/Phosphorous chemical fertilizers. (US $ 19 Millions)
In addition cow dung is fuel (dried dung patties) for many villagers. These patties from the above slaughtered 184,200 cows would have satisfied 450,000 people’s cooking energy needs on monthly basis. The total monetary value of this natural clean energy generated by cow dung is a whopping Rs. 225 millions (US $ 4.5 Millions). With the killing cows for meat exports prompted imports of fossil fuel to satisfy cooking energy needs of the people who are dependent on cow dung. In order to satisfy the cooking energy needs of these 450,000 persons governments imported Rs 930 million worth of kerosene from MNCs (US $ 18.6 Millions). This kerosene is highly polluting, proved to be cancerous, increases the green house gasses and destroys public health thus increasing the sales of medicines of MNCs, over burdening government health care systems.
Also the burning of cow dung, using it before house to clean front yards, to use dung paste as quote on bamboo walls of the huts would have acted as natural anti bacterial agent, killer of viruses, and would have absorbed most of the industrial poisonous pollutants including accidental leak of radio activity. This in addition to the 2000 and over medicinal usages of cow’s milk, ghee, curds, buttermilk etc. Our sacred texts never said not to eat meat. But they prohibited eating cow’s meat except as a medical preparation as an antibiotic shot against prostrate cancer it self when a specific yagna called gomedha (sacrificing cow) is performed. As cow’s meat in regular diet is carcinogenic- creates cancer -it was removed from the regular food diet. As the utility of cow is very much required for the very survival of the human kind with all natural things that it gives it was revered. It gives health, wealth, sustains evolution, medicines, including its skin used to make shoes after its death shows the wisdom of ancients in declaring cow as sacred. Thus it is stated that it is the paramount importance for every one to protect cow. Lot of medical studies indicate high incidence of prostrate, colon and intestinal cancers in beef eaters.
Ayurveda gomedha and Cow meat. Ayurveda dictates that cow’s meat if used as medicine will prevent certain deadly diseases like feminine infertility etc. Charaka and Susrutha samhitas discuss medicinal preparations from cow’s meat. They identify a particular protein strain available only in cow’s meat as helpful to create prostrate cancer resistant antibodies in the humans. Thus the process of Yagna Gomedha is ordained to be performed within regular intervals. When this yagna is performed cow is sacrificed and the meat cooked and all attendants including the performers of Yagna should eat. In the vibration charged yagna environment the meat is no more meat but transformed, with the aid of spices and other herbal medicinal ingredients, in to a highly medicinal diet-an anti biotic shot. This yagna has to be performed for specific purpose and under qualified guidance. As these proteins are difficult to reach brain because human brain is protected with chemical cell wall, an additional injunction is added that during this ‘medicinal meat ceremonies’ alcohol must be consumed as alcohol will weaken the brain’s protective chemical cell wall thus allowing these required proteins to enter and nourish brain. This medicinal alcohol consumption by one and all that attended or performed the yagna is termed as ‘sura samitis’. Out side this cow slaughter is strictly prohibited as with out cow there is no human evolution on the earth. Ox meat is allowed to be eaten.
Cows meat as cause of Breast cancer in Women
Cow is huge mammal and highly feminine. Animal fats, especially cows, are found to hinder hormone modulation-by retaining unwanted hormones and then releasing those slowly-thus creating hormonal imbalances in men and women. Animal fats disrupt the activity if phytoestrogens that give balance to levels of circulating hormones in both sexes. Meat and animal fats stored over more than six months to one year will create an ideal setting to allow the reseals of these hormones when cooked as more the time meat is stored more the hormones released. This hormonal disruption expresses it self in breasts of women which is the most sensitive part in women body. The incidence of breast cancer is very high in western women (Europe and Americas where cow’s meat is a major staple food). Many doctors all over the world are recommending reverting to Indian or Asian type of vegetarian or alternate meat diets, cooked with salt and spices that provide natural hormonal balance all together leaving the red meat (beef or cow meat) eating habit.
c. Mustard seeds, salt, cloves and turmeric
Mustard seeds
In human- male-body lever is responsible for removing the excess estrogen hormone. Estrogen which is a feminine hormone is responsible for growth of breasts, reproduction, and getting milk during pregnancy exists in all female species. If one eats a she chicken, lamb or pig the chance of estrogen entering in the body is high. Excess estrogen in males will induce female symptoms and in females will enhance the femininity to higher levels resulting in the growth of breasts or thighs. This critical function of liver can be impaired in case of liver damage-by excess drinking alcohol- or by eating excess fatty food diet-western diet of excess meat. It is known for scientist for some time that prolonged alcoholic men-once the liver damaged and fails to maintain the estrogen balance- develop symptoms of a condition called estrogen dominance-developing feminine symptoms-like develop breasts, hair loss and others. To prevent estrogen dominance and aid in liver cleansing bitter mustard seeds or greens (any thing belonging to mustard family) are made part of our diet by Ayurveda. Mustard powder is a must in our pickles. Mustard oil is essential cooking oil. Also it is found that mustard seeds (mustard family) contain indoles that activate those enzymes in the body which deactivate and dispose excess estradiol thus reducing the risk of intestinal cancers. Indole-3 carbinol enzyme found in mustard seeds accelerates estrogen deactivation by about 50% at 500 milligrams a day (which is equivalent to 14 ounces of raw cabbage). In addition to that peppery mustard seeds is considered the most chemo-preventive (cancer preventive) food especially useful in preventing ‘lung cancer’ in heavy smokers. “Mustard oil’s glycosides” called isothiocynates are found very useful in preventing the lung cancer.
Salt consumption as done in India was found to provide the required iodine needed to prevent the breast cancer in women. Iodine is essentially required for two thyroid hormones at levels of at least 1-3 mg a week. Iodine regulates cellular metabolism and thus boasts energy. It also helps people to loose weight. Research conducted in a sample of 1365 women proved that a mild dose of 3 mg of iodine per day can resolve cyclical breast lumps and cysts usually within two to three months which is an important element in preventing breast cancer. The above lump and cyst condition known as fibrocystic breast disease indicating a condition of high risk of breast cancer is known to occur and or worsen towards the end of the a women’s cycle when progesterone levels are decreasing and when the period of peak estradiol is about to begin. Hormonal imbalance also induces uterine fibroids. Sea Salt (that every ordinary Indian eats) in the diet (with iodine) is known to reduce the sensitivity of estrogen cell receptors. In this way salt like phytoestrogens helps the body to prevent the over production of estradiol.
As long as we buy naturally obtaining salt and eating it at few paise (cents) a month we are ok but MNCs cannot market their iodine shots (a by product of chemical war fare) at huge profits. So a link has been made between HIGH SALT diet (eating salt only as snack, lunch and dinner which is impossible) and high blood pressure to create what is now known as Salt Scare. Western nations stopped using salt, which led to iodine deficiency and increase incidence in breast cancer in women. A detailed study which never was given any prominence in news media conducted with 5000 men found that the link and claim that limited dietary salt creates high blood pressure is totally untrue. But when this link is reported there were 5000 national news releases scaring people to death and thus reducing their salt intake significantly versus one single news release about not finding the link in later studies.
Cloves and Legumes
Recent study found that all legumes (that we eat in India and Asia only) and cloves are rich natural phytoestrogens and genistien aids in apoptosis (tumor of cancerous cell death) and act as natural hormonal balancers in both sexes.
Recent study showed that the turmeric is very effective in preventing the blood cancer and is a natural anti bacterial, fungicide and herbicide.
This is the reason we see no high prostate, intestine, breast or lung cancer incidence in India. According to studies the prostate cancer incidence that comes from eating irradiated food is one of the leading causes of death in North America and industrialized world (probably 8 out of 10 suffers from prostate cancer).
When the Agri MNCs were allowed to do business (during 1998-1999) in India a bizarre incident happened. Suddenly mustard oil that was used widely in India for cooking found to be contaminated with racin deadly chemical poison leading to few deaths in consumers. Government of India acted very fast in this issue to ban mustard oil in Delhi and other main centers prompting imports of genetically modified canola oil, Palmolive oil, cotton seed oil and vegetable oil (a combination of all oils mentioned above) form USA from MNCs, to ‘nourish Indians with healthy diet replacing contaminated mustard oil’. Rather than finding who contaminated the mustard oil (traders or some body at the behest of MNC agents) government decided to ban mustard seed and oil production it self. In the same way all biotech companies that are entering in to India are trying to find the medicinal values of these daily food items and are going on a spree of ‘patenting them.’ Indians are fighting this expensive process of litigation to prevent their daily food items like turmeric, mustard being patented. They do not want us eat salt, cloves or turmeric under various titles as acidity gastro-intestinal problems etc. Any thing in excess is going to harm. But as these are taken in balanced proportions they become medicine validating Ayurvedic claim the “food is medicine’. The role of the doctor (vaidya) is only to help diseased to restore to balanced and healthy diet. But this approach never helps MNCs.
All the while the foreign fast food companies and soft drink companies that use GMOs GEs and TGs as a base in their breads, tortillas and soft drink are promoting them as healthy foods. In addition rather than using the healthy fresh cut meat as part of diet we are importing salmonella infected chicken legs (the excess production that Americans want to throw in the sea to maintain prices) to feed millions of Indians to destroy their immune systems so that under slogan of universal health, medical MNCs can loot billions of dollars of wealth under corporate hospitals and unnecessary treatments. GE GMO and TGF crops are going to create genetic pollution to wipe out the legume and other spice production in India by contaminating the soil properties and will destroy the thousands of years of evolution of legumes (lentils) that underwent in India and Asia.
d. Globalization and Free Trade of EIC & Liberalization Privatization of MNC in action
When EICs came to do business under noble concepts of ‘Free Trade and Globalization’ during 1800 they never took any ones permission. They just came with superior technology and occupied-physical slavery ensued and they did what ever they did and took what ever they needed from all Asian countries.
MNCs are coming with the concepts of Liberalization and Privatization does not rule nations with militaries but with economics. In this process in first stage huge industrial MNCs will enter and take control of the entire domestic industry. In the second stage enters Agri MNCs which again take control of the entire domestic industry. In the third stage enters Medical MNCs which will again take control of the entire medical and health economics of nation. Once this three step process is over the domestic economy or the nation in consideration is a slave ot the MNCs. Nations like India cannot fight to defend herself even when terrorists aided by enemies can strike at will at any part of nation, as all essential raw materials needed for modern warfare-petrol, steel, rubber, communications, will be in the hands of MNCs. All food from seeds to marketing will be in the hands of MNCs, India or such nations cannot feed their populations. Also nations like India cannot protect the health of their citizens as MNCs are responsible for spoiling the health and then provide medicines. It is this three stage domination of national economies by MNCs that is defined in west as ‘Corpocracy.’ Here countries will fight-with out fights the MNC controlled armaments industries will go bankrupt-with each other as desired by MNCs themselves-timing, duration, methodology of war is essentially decided by the MNCs. At times Corpocracy over third world is executed via international lending institutions like IMF (international monetary fund) WB (World Bank) and ADB (Asian development bank) to hide the real intentions of the MNCs or aid agencies like USAid etc.
Summary of Corpocracy-liberalization and Privatization in action in East Asia
5 and 6 December 1997 Wall Street Journal.
1. Restructuring of Thailand’s financial system following Liberalization and Privatization as dictated by IMF will result in the majority foreign ownership of country’s main 15 commercial banks.
2. Indonesia following the model of Thailand ended in financial trouble finally loosing E. Timor and plunging in to political turmoil.
2. Restructuring South Korea’s financial system according to IMF regulations following Liberalization and Privatization resulted in destruction of the economy bankrupting good industries and increasing foreign MNC control over the economy.
Corpocracy (liberalization and Privatization) in Russia and South America
1) Russian Destruction
The Russian case is closer to that of Indian problem of privatization and liberalization as it happened only 5 years before when India decided to open up with full force to liberalize and privatize. We can see many glaring similarities between Russia and India and many lessons to learn if we do not want to become like another Russia.
The Russian word for privatization, "privatizatsiya," is routinely and cynically rendered by Russians as "prikhvatizatsiya," meaning "grabbing," or "piratizatsiya," meaning "pirating."
Crucial to the transition to a ‘market economy’ (a term to designate the transfer of national wealth from PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) to EICs turned MNCs) is transferring business enterprises from state to private ownership. But this process has been ridden with abuse and corruption. Most of the oligarchs of Russia's new business elite are not self-made men. On the contrary, they were simply given control of (state-owned) oil, gas, automobile, banking and other enterprises -- essentially as gifts of the Yeltsin government to whom, of course, the newly-wealthy (and often youthful) businessmen are indebted.
Through the office of 35-year-old Deputy Prime Minister Alfred Kokh, the government assigns most of the enterprises to friends or supporters of Yeltsin and his administration, who, as new corporate CEOs, show their appreciation by supporting the government with money and favorable media coverage.
In an illustrative case, the Yeltsin government transferred 80 percent ownership shares in Russia's second largest oil company (formerly the state-owned Yukos Company) to Mikhail Khodorosvsky, 33-year-old former head of the Communist Youth League and founder of the Menatep Bank. In return, Khodorosvsky turned over $168 million to the Yeltsin administration. (Newsweek, March 17, 1997).
Russia's most successful new businessmen, the so-called "Big Seven" (and their main business holdings), are: Rem Vyakhirev (Gazprom), Boris Berezovsky (Logovaz), Vladimir Gusinsky (Most Bank), Vaghit Alekperov (Lukoil), Alexander Smolensky (Stolichnyy Bank), Mikhail Khodorkovsky (Rosprom), and Andrey Kazmin (Sberbank).
These seven men alone, experts believe, control virtually half of the companies whose shares are rated the highest at the national stock market. Other prominent members of the new business elite include Vladimir Potanin (Oneksim Bank), Vladimir Vinogradov (Inkombank), Anatoly Dyakov (RAO EES Rossii), Yakov Dubenetsky (Promstroybank), and Petr Aven (Alpha Bank). (Izvestia [Moscow], Jan. 5, 1997).
It is estimated that more than $60 billion has already found its way from Russia into Swiss banks, reports the London Financial Times. Of this amount, $10 billion is believed to be industrial mafia money. This same paper also reports (Feb. 14) that foreigners control some 41,000 companies in Russia, half the banks and 80 percent of the joint ventures.
The disorder of Russia's banking system has been described in a 12 November 1996, article by Rafail Kashlinksy in Vestnik, a Russian-language magazine published in the US. Of the more than 2,700 banks in Russia at the beginning of 1995, it reports, by the end of that year the Central Bank of Russia was obliged to revoke licenses of 225 of these, while more than 800 banks finished the year with large losses. Another 500 banks, including some of the largest (such as the Moscow Interregional Commercial Bank), were near bankruptcy by mid-1996. (See similarities in the recent PSU sell offs and co-operative bank debacles in India)
One prominent scandal involves a businessman named Anatoly Aronov, who is under indictment for establishing some 500 fraudulent paper corporations. By cleverly manipulating the slipshod Russian banking system, and taking full advantage of the uncontrolled market economy, the vulnerability of inexperienced Russians, and the general climate, Aronov created a phantom business empire. After establishing the paper companies as "legal entities," Aronov then sold them at great profit to unwary Russians.
In his book, Comrade Criminal, Stephen Handelman discussed connections between the already then well-established mafia underworld politicians and corrupt bureaucrats, a relationship that apparently now has reached into the Kremlin itself. According to former Russian Social Security Minister Ella A. Pamfilova, a cynical redistribution of property currently is taking place. In her words, "The nature of the ruling class has not changed ... It is the same old corrupt, elitist, nomenklatura-bureaucratic swamp."
What is changing involves the national economy, half of which already has fallen under few persons control, according to Security Council Secretary Ivan Rybkin. Former Director of the CIA, Robert M. Gates estimated earlier this year that two-thirds of all commercial institutions, some 400 banks (those in Moscow already control 80 percent of the country's finances), several dozen stock exchanges, and 150 large government enterprises are controlled by small group of people funded by foreign investors and banks.
Unless and until drastic changes are made, a healthy market economy cannot develop. These changes must include: a comprehensive code of business and banking law to protect investments, a credible judicial system to rigorously and impartially enforce the laws, a sweeping purge of corrupt police personnel, a country-wide crackdown on crime and corruption, and a stable monetary policy.
What is particularly tragic about Russia's economic calamity is that this vast land has such potential. In addition to a generally capable and well-trained managerial and working population, Russia is rich in natural resources, including oil, iron ore, gold and timber. Properly administered, this could be a very prosperous country.
Without honest and effective political leadership, though rich in natural resources, prosperity for the great majority will remain an elusive hope. Given its record so far, the government of President Boris Yeltsin can hardly be expected to provide the needed guidance and direction.
During last year's election Russian banks directed substantial resources to favored political candidates. While some backed the national-patriotic and Communist candidates, those who supported Yeltsin were rewarded. Thus, when Yeltsin formed his new post-election administration he appointed Vladimir Potanin, the 35-year-old president and co-founder of the country's biggest private bank, Oneksim Bank, as first vice premier for economics.
Because Yeltsin owes his July 1996 reelection victory in large measure to the financial and media support of Russia's new plutocrats, his government is widely disdained as an instrument of alien (foreign banking) interests. Although many former Communist Party officials (including Yeltsin himself), as well as former KGB functionaries, continue to occupy high-level positions in Russia, the Yeltsin administration is widely regarded as an American-controlled and -directed "internationalist" regime. Yeltsin's chief of staff and primary economic advisor, Anatoly Chubais (age 41), is viewed as a US stooge at best, and a CIA agent at worst.
Opposing Yeltsin and his adherents is a diverse array of nationalists: national communists, national socialists, and national capitalists. In general, they call for a healthy, nationally-conscious Russian folk capable of defending and restoring the nation's dangerously dissipated ethnic and cultural character. [See: E. Zündel, "My Impressions of the New Russia," Sept.-Oct. 1995 Journal, pp. 2-8.]
Easily the most popular political figure in Russia today is General Aleksandr Lebed, a decorated Afghan war hero and the broker of peace in Chechnya. Even his critics concede his basic honesty. "Ordinary Russians are as far from the real levers of power today as they were during Soviet Communist Party rule," says Lebed. Half the nation's economy, he adds, is controlled by "a small group of banks and financial-industrial groups, while the other half is controlled by criminal clans."
To protect their own corrupt business empires, the new plutocrats around Yeltsin will predictably do everything in their power to keep Lebed, or any authentically Russian figure, regardless of popularity, from taking power.
Not surprisingly, Lebed complains that he now has become invisible in the pages and programs controlled by the major media barons. In addition, no major bank will help finance him for fear of Kremlin retribution. (Newsweek, March 17, 1997.)
Prime Minister Chernomyrdin and Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov reportedly (Washington Times, Feb. 8) have discussed forming a political alliance to keep Lebed out of power if Yeltsin dies in office. Chernomyrdin and some of his backers, among them Moscow's major bankers, are said to fear possible arrest as part of a nationwide campaign against corruption demanded by Lebed. (Chernomyrdin and Zyuganov have been personal friends since they served together six years ago on the Central Committee of the former Soviet Communist Party.)
Russian version of Private Corpocracy
Personifying Russia's new ruling class is Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, a non Russian (Jewish) business magnate, media mogul, and high-ranking government official whom US News & World Report calls (Jan. 13, 1997) "the most influential new capitalist tycoon in Russia." His business empire includes a bank, one of the few national television channels, oil concerns and automobile dealerships. (Forward [New York], Nov. 22, 1996.) After taking advantage of high-level political connections to quickly amass enormous wealth, Berezovsky provided large sums and favorable media coverage to insure the re-election of President Yeltsin, who then appointed him to the country's national Security Council. (See similarities in the rise of Indian industrial houses).
An important step in Berezovsky's ambitious upward climb was his acquisition of Sibneft, Russia's sixth-largest oil company. He gained this immensely important asset not through honest business practices or competitive bidding, but as a gift of the State Committee for the Management of State Property. Committee head Kokh simply appointed Berezovsky to take over Sibneft, and President Yeltsin signed the papers to approve the transfer. (Komsomolskaya Pravda [Moscow], Jan. 25).
Contributing to his image as the stereotypical international capitalist, Berezovsky ostentatiously roars around Moscow in a dark-blue bulletproof Mercedes 600, protected by a BMW in front, and bodyguards in Mitsubishi jeeps on either side. His private security staff numbers 150, including 20 former KGB technical surveillance specialists.
In the view of the country's "democratic reformers," the US News & World article continues, "Berezovsky and his ilk" have "exploited for personal gain wrongheaded economic reforms that were impoverishing the average man." Berezovsky has proved that building wealth in the new Russia has much to do with government cronies smoothing the way and little to do with free competition ... Most disturbing of all to Russian reformers is the impunity with which Berezovsky has operated. His road to capitalism would have landed him in jail in most civilized countries, but brought no criminal charges in the new Russia.
Berezovsky, reports the New York Jewish weekly Forward (April 4, 1997), is "among those fabulously wealthy and hugely resented new Russian industrialists -- robber barons accused of milking Russia dry -- who bankrolled Mr. Yeltsin's presidential campaign, buying the keys to the state." Berezovsky has publicly boasted that he and six other top businessmen -- some of them Jewish and foreigners-- control 50 percent of the Russian economy.
Not long ago Berezovsky bragged to the London Financial Times: "We hired [First Deputy Prime Minister] Chubais. We invested huge sums of money. We guaranteed Yeltsin's election. Now we have the right to occupy government posts and use the fruits of our victory." (Quoted in Forward, April 4, 1997)
To deal with the growing nationalist (Russian swadeshi) sentiment, authorities in Moscow are considering steps to crack down on Nationalist’s most extreme manifestations. There is a slow and steady tendency of returning to normalcy after Putin took over. In India right now we are undergoing something similar to that of a Russian Yelistin regime-helpless unstable political governments willing to work compromises, dominating MNCs, huge burocratic corruption, uncaring populations divided on the lines of language, caste, religion and region or a combinations of all the above. Where is Indian Putin? Will there be an Indian Putin?
We can see that except the name change in countries there is no difference between the scenarios of Russia in 1996-1997 to India 2002-2003. We are a great country, rich country with totally qualified personnel ready to handle any thing but are standing before USA and Britain begging for few coppers of aid money for development or political donations for survival or for solving national problems catastrophes engineered created nurtured by the same parties when we ‘received independence’.
2) Agrarian Socialism-Brazil
Brazil despite massive slaughter of millions of native Indians for last 300 years still has sizable population of native Indians. Like Indians, Brazilian Indians are attached to ancestral land and worshiped land as mother. What ever is the economic consideration it is hard to move them out of their agrarian lands. Located under the rich rain forests, with no scarcity for water they need not depend on any body for their agrarian practices. Government of Brazil is run by Portuguese white Europeans who are predominantly Catholic. Once oil and mineral wealth was discovered under the native Indian lands during 1970-75 an unholy alliance was signed between Industrial consortiums headed by Anglo Dutch Aristocratic elite Brazilian government and Catholic Church.
Catholic Church, first under the patronage of white rulers, brutalized farmers, converting them by force. Then indoctrinating them, that their native beliefs in ancestral land are farce, moved them on a promise of better paying jobs to sprawling urban centers. These non existing opportunities turned the once land owners in to drug pushers for survival and their women in to rampant prostitution. The vacated lands were divided in to mining and pastoral areas by the industrial consortiums that bought them up. On these pastoral lands, forgetting the laws of nature, under the guise of agrarian reforms and high yield agri production traditional agrarian methods of native Indians are replaced by the usage of heavy doses of fertilizers and chemicals. Mechanization of agriculture forced many working Indian agriculture labor in to menial jobs and resulted in a mass migration to wards cities.
Already over burdened urban centers absorbed these huge labor and population shifts, allowing unemployed youth creating the ripe grounds for ‘Class Struggle’ which saw bloody political violence in Brazil. As in the case with traditional native Indian lands, under highly exploitative industrial structure Brazil’s natural resources were sucked out of the country in to the coffers of Multinationals. Successive governments were not able to cope with massive unemployment and the associated crime syndicates. All monies that were supposed to be ploughed back in to the economy to expand economic activity in Brazil reached the coffers of multinationals as debt and interest payments. This created appalling starvation in Brazil. Land fertility was eroded in 5 years due to unbridled usage of fertilizers.
So the second stage of experimentation was started by multinationals on Brazil. By promising international aid from IMF and World Bank, to ward off economic crisis, the multinational agri business extracted a promise of using Brazil to test their genetically modified crops (GMO) as a panacea for low yield. In fact the IMF and WB worked hand in glove with multinational consortiums to impose conditions that Brazil should use GMO to qualify for next round of aid. Within next 5 years the remaining soil fertility was wiped out. On the eve of elections the current president won the campaign on a promise to take out mechanization returning farms to Indians for traditional agricultural practices, and stop all mining activities.
3) Foreign Direct Investment as National Development Tool-Venezuela
Venezuela is the fourth largest oil producing country. It must have been rich like Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. But this country is at the brink of bankruptcy, people penniless, economy in shambles despite the fact that she followed the same liberalization and privatization mantra since 20 years.
This is a unique experiment of its own adapted by MNCs in case of Venezuela which has most relevance to Indian context. Here rather than all MNCs entering in the country, they selected one domestic Corporate house and nurtured it to become a nationally prominent leading corporation of country. They funded this particular industrial house via collaboration, joint venture partnership thus allowing it to take control of vital sectors of economy. For people of Venezuela it appeared as if a Venezuelan Corporation is growing to become a true multinational, but the fact was otherwise, MNCs are taking control of the country through select Industrial house.
Two young Cuban immigrant brothers Cisneros were financed from 1935 onwards by bankers of New York. In a span of 40 years they owned every thing in Venezuela, oil industry, media, news papers, insurance, telecommunications and mining, banking and stock markets. They paid all political donations to all parties irrespective of ideologies. They remained virtual kings of the country for 30 years. They became needed ambassadors for international loans, guarantees and all MNCs consortiums were willing to only go with partnership with them only. Using them as point men, all corporate laws like monopoly acts, trade restrictive acts were abolished. This allowed the brothers to take control of virtually everything of value in the country. Massive infrastructure loans were advanced by foreign banks via aid agencies on guarantees and pledges over national natural oil wealth and against taxes generated within the country.
In order to appease international bankers the structural changes executed in agricultural sector that for 30 years destroyed agricultural self sufficiency of the country. Food had to be imported and paid in Dollars which are not there within the country as they were sucked out for the principal and interest payment against international loans.
Finally the oil industry was taken by Cisneros’ brothers funded by private banks. Political unrest started brewing and finally a soldier Hugo Chavez took control of the country in democratic elections. He nationalized the oil industry. When workers strike started he used army to continue the production and introduced with friendly countries barter trade, oil for food. He also wanted to reduce the domination of Cisneros brothers in politics by reducing the media control they have.
Cisneros bosses were angry. ADAE was mad. US government was pressured. CIA arranged a plot to overthrow Huge Chavez and almost succeeded. They appointed their own man. But within 48 hours Hugo became President again with the help of people and loyal army. Cisneros left the country to live in New York still busy working to over throw Hugo Chavez.
Dr David Suzuki a leading Canadian scientist said “any scientist who tells you it is safe is either very stupid or deliberately lying”
Mr. Anderson who was the head of Union Carbide responsible for Bhopal gas tragedy where thousands were dead resigned as chief of operations and his where abouts are never known. Since last 15 years CBI wants to summon him to hear his version Indian prime ministers, NGOs, requested American presidents and administration to help. All powerful US secret service FBI and CIA are still trying to figure out where Mr. Anderson is working hard to trace his where abouts. There was a book published on Bhopal Gas Tragedy where the authors say that Mr. Anderson after resignation from Union Carbide was and is working in a prestigious Car dealership right next to the Los Angels FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) head quarters. Mean while the parent company Union Carbide shifted its head quarters to one of the remote Bahamas islands from New York. According to MNC corporate rules now it is subjected to not American Laws but to Bahamas laws which treat the Bhopal offense as ‘negligence’- an offense punishable with only to a maximum penalty of $ 100,000.
India at the height of 13 December incident submitted a most wanted list of 20 terrorists. After 2 years press hailed in India that Pakistan released 20 prisoners (who are mostly POWS and fishermen caught by Pakistani authorities). This was hailed as land mark decision and the peace initiatives have started. Indian stock markets rose sharply on the peace initiative. All the while one of the top 20 wanted men Dawood Ibrahim expanded his business ventures in to international DVD sales, basmati rice supplies, soft drinks worth $ 300 million dollars.
We still call British prime minister and U.S. president for making sure that there exists peace with our neighbors. Do we really need MNCs. They spend lot of money for re registering them as MNC from EICs, in creating new logos, business cards, employees advertising campaigns etc? We should have let them into India as EIC 2000 and saved them lot of money which they might have invested in India for ‘business growth.’
In order to decide whether to do trade with foreigners or not Japanese in the year 1600 took 40 years to think and said no. During the same period EICs never bothered to ask any body in India even permission to set up their business except a mogul administrator. Year 2000 all MNCs are begging Japan to open Japanese their markets for MNC business from the day MNCs first started their new incarnation from EICs, still Japanese are thinking and did not say either yes or no. Year 2000 Indians decided that only industrial MNCs and their liberalization and privatization are the best panacea for economic, social, development of India and Agricultural MNCs and GMOs GEs and TGs are the best solution for Indian problem of hunger, medical MNCs are the best source of providing healthy medicines under corporate hospitals and decided to sell all PSUs to them. How many ‘HOURS’ Indians thought? If we did not think or do not want to think then it is necessary to remember the following words spoken 230 years before when young American patriots faced the same predicament as we are facing now.
“Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of slavery?
Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take.
But as for me- give me liberty (SWARAJ) or give me death”.
-Patrick Henry-1775-Fire brand Patriot urging his fellow Virginians to fight against British oppression.
To think that some how India escapes the process of destruction under the hands of EICs turned MNCs is a delusory illusion. Also to think that some how we can escape the economical disaster that is going to befall on us is an extreme wishful thinking. Time and after since last 400 years EICs or their new face MNCs proved victorious, but not in a single incidence where any nation state which surrendered to them with out due process of thought survived leave alone emerged victorious against ADAE.
“Let noble thoughts come from all directions”
-Rig Veda
Copyright ©2003 Indian Heritage Research Foundation, Ontario
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